This Committee supports the Presbytery’s cooperative mission and ministry groups. Such groups include Covenant Communities, Mission Partnerships, and Task Forces (“mission groups”). Among other responsibilities, the Work Group guides each mission group’s formation, renewal, and funding process. Its recommendations are sent to the Presbytery Council for approval. The Work Group also provides a Presbytery liaison to each mission group to offer assistance in the process of grant applications, renewals, coordination of schedules through the Presbytery Office, promotion of events of the mission group to the Presbytery’s congregations, and other input to guide mission groups toward healthy and effective mission practices. It regularly provides programs for mission education to equip and strengthen the leadership in the Presbytery and its congregations so they may help meet local and global ministry needs.
Through the generous mission pledges of congregations in the Presbytery of Denver, the Presbytery is able to provide funding to mission groups, based on need, stewardship, and available funds. A mission group that has been organized and/or renewed and is current with its Annual Report may request funding for its mission efforts. As stewards of mission pledges received from congregations in the Presbytery, we seek to maximize our collective impact in healthy, effective, and mutual transformation through mission. The Work Group will compare your Funding Request to the Presbytery of Denver’s Values Statement and will look at each participating congregation’s involvement in the life of the Presbytery, including the churches’ denominational mission pledges (as a percentage of their overall budget), leadership in Presbytery groups, and participation in the Presbytery’s events and work. The amount of available funds varies from year to year.