HYBRID JANUARY Presbytery Gathering
Conspire = breathe together
Combination of partnership (with presbytery, each other)
Conspire = breathe together
Combination of partnership (with presbytery, each other)
Join us for this three-week collaborative preaching series during the Pentecost season, where we will explore and amplify a shared theme of courage, justice, and the Spirit’s transformative work.
You are invited to our first Leadership Summit | Conspiring to build courageous relationships!
In July 2025, the Presbyterian Church (USA) will welcome thousands of its high school age youth and their adult youth workers to Louisville, Kentucky for four days of worship, recreation, bible study, outreach, and faith formation all around the theme of “As If We Were Dreaming”.
This event is postponed and will be rescheduled to a later date.
Join us at IKEA in Centennial in the Food Court for Remote Staff Day!
All 8th-12th grade students, their adult family members, and their youth ministry workers are invited to this informational meeting!
An Invitation for Pastoral Leaders!
In our contemporary world as pastoral leaders we are often pulled between the roles of being “prophetic” or being “pastoral”. These two perceived divergent roles create a challenge in how to lead. Do you provide comfort and compassion or inspire and challenge? Come join with us for an interactive and engaging workshop from leaders in the Denver Presbytery who specialize in prophetic leadership.
Prophetic Ministry: An Invitation to Deepening your Relationships
Prophetic Leadership
Integrating the Binaries
Courageous Conversations
Prophetic Preaching
Prophetic Pastoral Care
This workshop has been affirmed by Ministry Relations Committee (MRC) to meet the annual anti-racism requirement.
Green Mountain Presbyterian Church
12900 West Alameda Parkway
Lakewood, CO
9AM - 3 PM, lunch included
October 26th at 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Dr. Jemar Tisby
Jemar Tisby is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the Church's Complicity in Racism, How to Fight Racism, and How to Fight Racism: Young Reader's Edition. He is also a Professor of History at Simmons College of Kentucky in Louisville. Jemar is the co-host of the "Pass the Mic" podcast. He speaks nationwide on the topics of racial justice, U.S. history and Christianity. Jemar earned his PhD in history and he studies race, religion, and social movements in the 20th century.
Location for all Forums will be at Montview Blvd Presbyterian Church, 1980 Dahlia St, Denver & Streaming Online at montview.org.
“White "Christian" Nationalism is the greatest threat to democracy and the witness of the church in the United States today.”
~ Dr. Jemar Tisby, February 28, 2024
Information and Registration coming soon for our IN PERSON ONLY Assembly Gathering on October 22nd Check back!
“It Can Happen Anywhere”
Guns to Gardens: Safely Surrendering Unwanted Guns
Saturday, October 19 at 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Community of Grace Presbyterian Church
7755 Vance Drive in Arvada
RSVP: Moderator Vicki Terry, 720-273-6870 or pwdencord@gmail.com by Wed., Oct. 16.
Cost: $10 per person paid at the door for lunch and program (cash or check).
Awards are due by Monday, Oct. 14 to alicead1951@icloud.com or 303-521-8615.
Mission Project for Gathering
Please join us in bringing empty medicine bottles to donate. The bottles need to be washed in warm, soapy water, rinsed, and dried. The tops need to be attached after cleaning and drying. If the labels are difficult to remove, Goo-Be-Gone and Goof-Off are two products that help the process.
Chuck Sparks will be presenting our 2025 budget. Ask questions and see what 2025 will bring.
Shepherd of the Hills, Wheat Ridge Presbyterian and Genesis Presbyterian and having a joint service to celebrate World Communion Sunday at Shepherd of the Hills.
The service starts at 9:30am and will feature a combined choir from the three churches and communion of homemade bread.
You are invited to the Commissioning Service of Linda Valo to Commissioned Pastor of Faith Formation at Wheat Ridge PC.
The Journey with Migrants (JwM) Mission Partnership of Denver Presbytery is sponsoring a fundraiser to support their work. Their will be a silent auction, a blind wine table, food, more wine, some speechifying and some entertainment.
Dear Pastoral Leaders,
We are delighted to invite you to a special gathering at Cure Organic Farms. This event is designed to offer you a peaceful and enriching experience, where you can connect with fellow colleagues, enjoy a guided tour of the farm, and share in meaningful conversations.
Event Details:
Date: Thursday, September 26th
Join us for Lunch!
@ 12:00 we will meet at Reelfish 2770 Arapahoe Rd, Lafayette, CO 80026; Menu https://www.eatreelfish.com/menu
AND/OR join us at the farm from 1-3 PM | Cure Organic Farms, 7416 Valmont Road, Boulder, Colorado, 80301
Our Time Together:
Welcome and Introductions
Gather and make connections.
Farm Tour
Take a guided tour of Cure Organic Farms, learn about sustainable farming practices, and see firsthand the beauty and bounty of the farm.
Connection and Fellowship
Gather with colleagues to discuss, share, and connect. This is an excellent opportunity to build relationships and support each other in your ministries.
Please RSVP to Dee@denpres.org no later than September 20th so we know how many for lunch and the tour.
We look forward to your presence and the chance to come together in such a serene and inspiring environment.
Rev. Dr. Dee Cooper
You are invited to the installation service of Rev. Dr. Lorraine Leist as the Associate Pastor of Congregational Care and Older Adults at Montview Blvd PC.
Journey with Migrants Mission Partnership in collaboration with the American Friends Service Committee and the Interfaith Immigration Network, will facilitate an ecumenical vigil at the GEO Immigrant Detention Center in Aurora. Please join us!
Denver Presbytery is pleased to announce their sponsorship of the inaugural Caffeinated Church Conference in Denver, Colorado, September 9-12, 2024! Register today!
Welcome our new retreat leader, Rev. Dani Hillyer! At this year’s SISTR retreat you are invited to delve into the tapestry of your own stories – the ones that define, empower and sometimes confine us. Register today to join us in September.
Join fellow Presbyterians for a morning of worship, connection and collaboration as together we look ahead to a faithful future for our congregations.
Registration for our IN PERSON ONLY Assembly Gathering is now open!
You are invited to celebrate God’s faithfulness to Denver Presbytery. Sophie Beal will be Ordained Sunday, August 11th @ 2:00 pm. Please join our celebration!
This special service provides an opportunity to witness how the whole Presbyterian Church (USA) functions as the Body of Christ to support member congregations.
Sophie will begin a Pastoral Resident at Green’s Farms Church (UCC) in Connecticut. This two-year Pastoral Residency Program is designed to incubate new church leaders by providing comprehensive mentorship and pastoral work experiences. This position is designed to be an ordainable call in which she will serve as a full-time pastor, gaining experience in teaching, faith formation, community outreach, and pastoral care. She will learn the fundamentals of church management, develop her ministerial gifts, and join a collaborative Senior Leadership Team under the supervision of GFC Senior Minister, Jeff Ryder.
Come and celebrate this milestone in the life of Denver Presbytery!
August Vigil at GEO with Journey With Migrants!
Join us Monday, August 5th at 6:00pm for a vigil to Un Build Walls! Meet us in front of the GEO Group Immigrant Detention Center at 3130 Oakland in Aurora. Bring a friend!
We demand justice for our people in the for-profit GEO detention center. We denounce detention and deportation, which tear families apart and harm all of our communities. Join our efforts to advocate for fair and humane immigration policies that welcome and respect the dignity of all people. Join our call to Welcome the Stranger and Un Build the Walls that divide us!
This event is sponsored by the Journey With Migrants and the American Friends Service Committee.
Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Denver will hold their annual Bible Study Seminar on Saturday, August 3, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Peoples Presbyterian Church located at 2780 York St. in Denver.
The Rev. Bill Sanders, retired pastor and pulpit supply, will lead us in an introduction to the 2024-2025 HORIZONS Bible Study: Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation by Patricia K. Tull. Suggestions for Leaders are by Rebecca Barnes The author describes her call for creation justice in this way: “When I first learned of the climate crisis, I wondered how a biblical scholar with few practical skills could help and found my purpose in learning about ecology and teaching people of faith what I could. Such is not everyone’s skillset or desire, but each of us has something to do with all our hearts.”
Presbyterian Women’s 2024 Churchwide Gathering will be held in St. Louis, Missouri, August 8–11, 2024. Save these dates, share these dates and plan to join Presbyterian Women from around the country on these dates! The 2024 PW Gathering will be an exciting, faith-filled time to renew our connections within and across PW groups from across the country. Join us to be invigorated, equipped for your PW life, welcomed into community by hundreds of other PWs, and empowered to “Do everything in love.” Go to www.prebyterianwomen.org/gathering.
PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Honorary Life Membership
The Honorary Life Membership (HLM) program was established early last century in the Presbyterian Church to honor faithful service to the women’s organization and to the church.Recipients become a part of a large group of women (and a few men) who have been recognized in this way.More than a thousand are awarded each year,many on Celebrate the Gifts of Women Sunday. The Honorary Life Membership is represented by a silver or gold membership pin that is presented along with a personalized certificate.The Honorary Life Membership pin symbolizes values held dear by Presbyterian Women.
We will meet up at Blue Bird Market in Silverthorne from 10 am to 1 PM. Stop by anytime during that time and say hi, ask a question, have breakfast, stay for lunch or just put faces with names.
If you need different amount or to order by paying with check, please contact Beth.
It’s time to order the 2024-2025 Presbyterian Planning Calendar. Order through Denver Presbytery to take advantage of the discounted rate of $13.00 each.
This 16-month, official PC(USA) calendar — September 2024 – December 2025 — is an outstanding and well-loved resource for pastors, church leaders and members interested in the life and mission of the Church. It features monthly planning and worship suggestions, lectionary readings, a liturgical color guide, fold-out synod, presbytery and world maps, plus directories of PC(USA) staff, offices, synods and presbyteries. The wirebound calendar (printed on pencil-friendly paper) measures 8½ x 11″ and is punched to fit a standard binder or hang on a wall.
Calendars will be shipped to the Presbytery office, and available for pick-up around late August. Look for a notice in the DenPres enews, letting you know that they have arrived.
You can get your calendar two ways: 1) Call in advance to schedule for pick-up at the Presbytery Office. 2) Pick up at October Assembly at Central Presbyterian Church.
To complete your order online, click on the photo of “2024-2025 planning calendar image above”, it will take you to a screen with a drop down menu to select the number of desired calendars. Once you have selected the number of calendars, click “add to cart” and enter contact information, click add to cart” and a small orange/yellow box will appear on your top right corner of your screen. This is your cart. Click on the cart to enter your credit card information to complete your order. Your order is complete when you get an email confirming your credit card payment was received. If you have any questions, contact Beth via email or 303.777.2454.
Join Denver Presbytery on Sunday, June 23, 2024 beginning at 9:30 am for the Coors Light Denver Pride Parade! Sign up today!
Registration now available for our ONLINE ONLY Assembly Gathering on June 11th. Check for gathering details!
You are invited to celebrate Professor Carrie Doehring’s retirement on Friday, May 31 at 4:00 pm, in the Chapel of Iliff School of Theology.
We will meet up at Humble House from 10 am to 1 PM. Stop by anytime during that time and say hi, ask a question, have breakfast, stay for lunch or just put faces with names.