New Worshiping Communities — Denver Presbytery


All People Intercultural Community (APIC)

Rev. Rafaat Girgis
ph: (502) 767-0727
address: 9720 US Highway 85 N, Highlands Ranch , CO 80125

Worship: 5:30pm Second Sunday of each month! (Current)

New Worship time will start January 2024 will be at 5:30pm the First Sunday of the month!

A Stoked Life

A Stoked Life is a place where everyone belongs! We are a community of people who love nature, love exploring God’s creation, and love building each other up. Our goal is to help you become the best version of yourself that God created you to be while building deep connections not only within this community, but with God. When we’re not out on the water paddleboarding, our homebase is at Surf’SUP Colorado and we’d love to have you join us! There are weekly donation-based Holy Yoga classes and, coming soon, weekly gatherings which will be a time for us to live out Acts 2:42! During the paddleboard season, we have paddle meet ups at a local lake along with other events. Check out for more info!

We can’t wait to journey with you as you live A Stoked Life!

Nathan and Mindy Heimer

Communidad de Fe Divino Salvador

Rev. Lemuel Velasco
For more information call: 720-284-2079

Ebenezer Ghanaian Presbyterian Church

Ebenezer has gathered for worship since 2012 and has become a vibrant congregation in Aurora. Led by a strong group of lay leaders, they are excited to formally become part of Denver Presbytery and look forward to continue growing in faith and ministry. The congregation currently gathers more than 60 adults, youth and children for Sunday worship and has outgrown their current space. They remain in prayer for God to provide a space where they can continue to grow and support their ministry.

Sunday Worship: 10am
Friday Prayers: 6pm
Location: 30 S. Havana St. Suite 312, Aurora, CO

Contact Person: George Wilson
Phone: 704-449-8034

Neema African Fellowship

Contact                Rev. Dr. Jemimah Ngatia
Cell Phone            314.956.1721
Gather: First Aurora Presbyterian Church, 1585 Kingston St. Aurora, CO 80010

OurTapestry is a community that meets entirely in digital spaces. No matter what zip code a person lives in, they should have access to an affirming Christian community that will assure them of their belovedness. Through weekly studies on Zoom, conversations on Discord, and any other digital space we find ourselves in we work to declutter our faith and encourage one another near and far. 

Leader: Rev. Bethany Peerbolte (she/her)


Daily Ripple is a progressive digital discipleship community.

Our goal is simple: revolutionize how we practice discipleship.

Through the use of ritual and prompted action we’re building a more just and compassionate world one person, one community at a time.

If you’re ready to dive in, follow the following links to download the app or join us through our email newsletter on Substack.

Rev. Jason Whitehead, LCSW, ACC, PhD (He/him/his)  
Phone 303.495.8944   

Web Daily Ripple Substack | Juniper Formation 


Download the Daily Ripple App 

The Psalm

The Psalm is a new worshiping community birthed by True Light Community Church that reaches out and ministers to second generation Korean and Asian-Americans. Its focus is to worship and build community using a mix of in-person and online components to find room to breathe in God and encourage one another to find rest in God. The name Psalm was chosen because it is also a trans-literation of a Korean word "Life." When life is shared together and mutual encouragement happens, God is honored and glorified.

 Sunday Worship: 10:15 am 
18901 E Hampden Ave. Aurora, CO 80015

Rev. Dr. John Yu

Vietnamese Presbyterian Fellowship

Vietnamese Presbyterian Fellowship
1395 King St. Denver, CO 80204
Leader: Tu Minh Bui
Worship  Sunday at 3:00 PM
Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 PM online.
Contact with Pastor Tu Minh Bui
Phone 720-261-6385
Mailling Address:  3737 S. Irving St. Sheridan, CO 80110

Hội Thánh Tin Lành Trưởng Nhiệm Việt-Nam
Chúa Nhật:
Học Trường Chúa nhật lúc 2:00 P.M 
Thờ Phượng lúc 3:00 P.M
Thứ sáu:
Học Kinh Thánh lúc 7:00 P.M
Liên lạc với Mục Sư Bùi minh Tú
ell 720-261-6385

Xin kính mời qúi vị đồng hương đến sinh họat và thờ phượng Chúa với chúng tôi. Qúi vị sẽ cảm nhận được tình yêu của Thiên Chúa, và bình an trong tâm hồn.

"Vì Đức Chúa Trời yêu thương thế gian, đến nỗi đã ban Con một của Ngài, hầu cho hễ ai tin Con ấy không bị hư mất mà được sự sống đời đời." (Giăng 3:16)

Hân Hoan chào đón qúi vị!


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16)


Join us for worship!

Connect on Facebook


Waypoint Spiritual Community is an inclusive, nontraditional community exploring faith and spirituality through nature and service of neighbor. Grounded in the compassion and wisdom of Jesus, this is a place where those who are disenchanted with the church or organized religion might rebuild a liberated spiritual life beyond the pitfalls of dogma, judgment, and hypocrisy.

Rev. Evan Amo
Waypoint Spiritual Community (@waypointspiritual) • Instagram photos and videos


Winds of Grace is a Protestant Worship Service in a traditional style that is dynamic and inspirational, incorporating classic liturgical elements and hymns that have come down through the ages. The worship will feel right at home for those from Mainline Protestant denominations – Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, United Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, American Baptist, Reformed, Episcopalian & Anglican. It will have a big tent feel, meaning that you are welcome whether you are conservative or liberal, evangelical or progressive, republican or democrat, or somewhere in-between, or not defined by any of those labels. We are Christ-centered and theologically diverse.

Services are weekly in the Red Rocks Room starting on March 6 at 2:30PM, and will also include Holy Communion on first Sundays. All are welcome, and we practice open communion. Whether you have a home church, local congregation, or are looking for something to participate in right here at Windcrest, this worship community welcomes everyone.

The worship service is brought to you by Grace Presbyterian Church right down the road from Windcrest right here in Highlands Ranch, with pastoral leadership from Rev. Justin Spurlock and Rev. Dave Van Deren, along with a team of staff and volunteers, some who are residents of Windcrest.

Questions, please contact Rev. David Van Deren or Rev. Justin Spurlock