January 2016 Presbytery Assembly

We welcomed 6 new Teaching Elders to Denver Presbytery and heard the story of Pastor Tu Bui.

Posted by The Presbytery of Denver on Wednesday, January 27, 2016

La Posada

Thank you to the Gala Task Force for hosting La Posada at First Presbyterian Church, Aurora.

The Presbytery of Denver gathered for La Posada, hosted by First (Aurora)

Posted by The Presbytery of Denver on Monday, December 14, 2015

October 2015 Presbytery Assembly

Thank you to First Presbyterian Church, Englewood for hosting our Assembly! Special thanks to Angela Duggan for the photos!

Playing By Heart Leadership Retreat

Corey Schlosser-Hall returned to Colorado for a second Leadership event, our annual fall retreat.  Please read the full summary here.

We had an energizing and inspirational Leadership Retreat over the weekend! Thanks to Highlands for providing fantastic...

Posted by The Presbytery of Denver on Monday, November 16, 2015

Chapungu Sculpture Park

It was a beautiful day for a tour of the Chapungu Sculpture Park.  Thank you Susie Smith and Ruth Huff for the photography!  See our Events section for more information about the upcoming book study Zenzele: A Letter for My Daughter on September 29th and the Zimbabwe Film Festival on October 17th.

As we continue to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the PZDP, today we toured the Chapungu Sculpture Park and shared...

Posted by The Presbytery of Denver on Saturday, September 19, 2015