Synod of Rocky Mountain Presbyterian Women Answer Call

Disaster Preparedness

On Friday, June 17, at Laramie Community College in Cheyenne, 15 Presbyterian women from the Synod of Rocky Mountains were trained and commissioned as PDA Disaster Preparedness trainers. They are already in the process of scheduling training in their congregations and presbyteries.

A collaboration between Presbyterian Women (PW) and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), ministries of the Presbyterian Church (USA), provides specialized training that equips Presbyterian women to work with their congregations and churches in their presbytery to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crisis. Fifteen new trainers were commissioned as Disaster Preparedness Trainers in a ceremony held last week at Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne, WY. Part of their responsibility will be to go back to their local congregations and presbyteries and conduct disaster preparedness training for families, churches and community groups. 


Minister's Communion - South Park Community Church

On Wednesday, June 15, 2016, ministers, educators, commissioned ruling elders, candidates and inquirers, can gathered together in worship at the South Park Church in Fairplay. We remembered the victims and the grieving. Through Word and prayer we listened for the voice of God in this time. Around the Table of Christ we looked to find the strength, courage and vision to live in a new way in this sad time.  

I ask us, as the prayer in the Book of Common Worship invites us, to pray that God “surround those who have been shaken by tragedy with a sense of your present love, and hold them in faith….Watch our ways, and weave out of terrible happenings wonders of goodness and grace.” Today, and in days to come may the hope we have for what God will do also be our decision for what we commit to do.
In Peace,
Tom Sheffield 

Blessing of the Animals - Denver Zoo and Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church

On Sunday, May 22, 2016, Rev. Dr. Dee Cooper joined members of the Denver Zoo’s Animal Ambassadors collection for a special “Blessing of the WILD Animals” service at Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church. The animals, which included a porcupine, Eurasian eagle owl and a Malayan box turtle, were walked to the church’s chancel by their handlers before being blessed as a group. The non-denominational, community event was meant as a celebration of life and all animals, honoring wild animals in particular. Afterwards, some animals and volunteers then remained to meet and educate the public and pose for pictures. 

“Indeed no animals were left behind,” said The Rev. Dr. Dee Cooper.

Prayer Walk - First Presbyterian Church in Littleton

On March 6, 2016 more than 50 people from our congregation walked or drove the neighborhoods around our church. We didn’t promote any church events or hand anything out. We simply blessed our neighbors and tried to see our area through God’s eyes. Thank you to everyone who participated and I am excited to see what God will do in our hearts as a result! Maybe try prayer walking the neighborhood around your house and see what God reveals!

In Christ’s Service Together,
Pastor Cody

Thanks for sharing your story of joy with us!  

Church of the Hills in Evergreen

Thank you, Rev. Chuck Traylor, for sharing photos of your Easter Celebration!

The Lord is Risen!

Easter Celebration - posted with permission

Posted by The Presbytery of Denver on Wednesday, April 6, 2016

March Presbytery Assembly Meeting - Columbine United Church

On Tuesday, March 29, 2016 we had our Assembly Meeting at Columbine United Church in Littleton.  The Rev. Justin Spurlock, Executive Pastor, welcomed members, ruling elders and friends of Denver Presbytery.

Thank you to Columbine United Church staff, including Josie, Dot, Marie, Kathy and Mitch for all their help with organizing, preparing and greeting everyone.  We appreciate your willingness to share your time, talents and gifts with us, especially just after Holy Week!  

Check out some of the photos, be sure to tag yourself!