REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED. Please join us in person at Calvary pc.

Previously undocketed business may be presented as new business if a recommended action is placed in the hands of the stated clerk thirty (30) minutes prior to the convening of the Presbytery Gathering.


Welcome and Details

Join us as we kick off our Presbytery Gathering theme for 2025. PARTNERING | Courageously Conspiring Together. This years theme is a collaboration of the focused value of our presbytery Partnering, and the Matthew 25 emphasis of vital congregations.

Does the word conspiring spark some discomfort or curiosity? Come hear as our new moderator, Rev. Ruth McCollum Huff, shares the focus of conspiring we are creating courageously together.

Our Tuesday, January 28th gathering will be hybrid (Zoom or onsite) and hosted by Calvary Presbyterian Church. We will celebrating our outgoing Moderator, Ruling Elder Pat Queen for sharing her energy, passion and love with us. We will also be installing Rev. Ruth McCollum Huff as our new moderator and Ruling Elder Chris Wineman as vice moderator.

Calvary PC, is Ruth's home church. They use the chapel space at First Plymouth United Church of Christ. We will be using their sanctuary and fellowship hall for our meeting, but we encourage you to come early to take a moment to explore the chapel where Calvary worships each week.


When registering for the Presbytery Gathering, it is important that you state your role when attended, i.e. elected ruling elder commissioner, member of Presbytery Visionary Leadership Commission, etc. Registration not only helps us get your name tag ready, but also helps with a head count for dinner and set up for other spaces.

If you intend to join us for dinner, please do us the courtesy of registering by January 20th. If you will be attending online, you may register upto January 27th at noon. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in helping us bring a meaningful gathering to our presbytery.


5 PM | In person Registration and Check-in, fellowship and dinner begin
5:50 PM | On-line Check-in begins
6 PM | Assembly begins


We will be having communion at this gathering. If you plan to join us via Zoom, please plan to bring your own elements to join us at the table.


To give, scan QR code and “give now” to “special needs” fund.

During our gathering we will receive the Special Needs Offering. This offering is normally received at the January Presbytery Gatherings, Ordination and Installation services goes to support the Presbytery’s Special Needs Fund. Through your generosity, we can provide pastoral care for our ministers, candidates, and their families when facing medical or financial concerns. Thank you for your gifts, enabling us to minister to our ministers. Please make checks payable to the Presbytery of Denver, scan the QR code to donate electronically or go to


Every minister member who has been admitted to the Presbytery as active, at-large, validated or honorably retired is a continuing member of presbytery and can vote at meetings.

Every congregation has at least one commissioner (who is an ordained ruling elder), elected by action of a session. Additional commissioners, who are ruling elders, are also enrolled as members of presbytery while in leadership positions as committee chairs or presbytery officers. All of these elders have the right to speak and to vote. If you are unsure how many commissioners your faith communities have, please reach out to our stated clerk.

Please note, commissioners must be approved to represent their session prior to January 24th. 

Visitors may include other interested members of our congregations, ecumenical guests, other Presbyterian ruling elder and minister of word and sacraement, and students preparing for ministry. Members of other presbyteries of the PC(USA) may register as corresponding members at a meeting where they are present. Visitors may observe, but not speak unless the assembly allows. Visitors may never vote. 


Click here for helpful information explaining your role as Commissioner.


EXPLANATION OF VOTING MEMBERS Denver Presbytery Bylaws Section
1.01 Teaching Elder Members. Teaching Elders are continuing members of The Presbytery of Denver as defined in the Form of Government G-2.0503. Membership is a privilege granted by the Presbytery and it carries with it certain responsibilities.
1.02 Ruling Elder Members. (Commissioner elected by their Session)
1.02a All ruling elders duly elected in accordance with the following provisions as set forth in the Form of Government G-3.0301 shall be members in good standing of the Presbytery for the term of said election.
1.02b    Each church within the bounds of Presbytery shall be represented by elder commissioners on the basis of Church membership ...
1.02c    Ordinarily all such elections shall be for a period of one year. Each session shall elect alternate commissioners in sufficient number who will serve whenever it is impossible for a principle commissioner to serve.
1.03 Other Ruling Elder Members.
1.03a Each ruling elder elected an officer (Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Stated Clerk and Treasurer) shall be enrolled as a member of the Presbytery for the term of office, whether or not commissioned by his or her session.
1.03b Each ruling elder elected as a member of Presbytery Council shall be enrolled as a member of the Presbytery for the term of office, whether or not commissioned by his or her session.
1.03c Each ruling elder elected as moderator of a standing committee of Presbytery shall be enrolled as a member of the Presbytery for the term of office, whether or not commissioned by his or her session.
1.03d Ruling elders elected to exempt staff positions may be enrolled as members of the Presbytery for the duration of service in such staff position whether or not commissioned by his or her session.
1.03e One designated ruling elder representative from Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery shall be enrolled as a member of the Presbytery, whether or not commissioned by his or her session.

If you are a Commissioner or interested in attending our Assembly and did not receive registration information, please contact

Stated HYBRID Presbytery Gathering
The Presbytery of Denver
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 |6 PM


6:00 pm Prelude|Call to Order | Establish Quorum Pat Queen

6:05 pm Welcome and Land Acknowledgement | Dee Cooper

6:10 pm Welcome to Calvary | Michelle Fincher

6:12 pm Welcome to Corresponding Members and New Commissioners | Pat Queen

6:15 pm Welcome New Minister Members | Sheri Fry

Rich McDermott | Honorably Retired, Brittany Tamminga | Member at Large, Jinsol Tark | Validated Ministry.


(see printed bulletin or screen for details)

Call to Worship | Gathered in God’s Name (sung)
Installation of Moderator Ruth McCollum Huff and Vice-Moderator Chris Wineman
Prayer for Illumination|Scripture |John 20:19-31
Sermon | With Heart, With Breath, Together
Hymn | Called As Partners in Christ’s Service v 1, 3

7:05 pm Voting At Presbytery | Beth Carlisle

7:10 pm Omnibus Motion | Ruth Huff

7:15 pm Lead Presbyter Report | Dee Cooper

7:25 pm Associate Presbyter for Mission Report | Fernando Rodríguez

7:30 pm Ministry Relations Committee | Sheri Fry

Terms of Call and Grant Funding, Boundary Training, Pastoral Assistance Subsidy Grants. 
Jordan Shive | Examination for Ordination

MOTION: The Ministry Relations Committee recommends to the Presbytery the ordination of Jordan Shive to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament as a Chaplain Supervisor in the UC Health Systems (Validated Ministry).

7:50 pm Generative Time | Mindy Heimer

8:10 pm Visionary Leadership Commission | Russ Kane 

MOTION: The Visionary Leadership Commission recommends to the Presbytery the election of  Jill Vanderwal (class of 2026) to the Servant Leadership Development Committee (SLDC). 

8:15 pm Celebration of Service

8:20 pm Ministry Relations Committee | Sheri Fry, Anne Bond

Joy Engelsman | Transfer of Membership CRC(NA) to PC(USA)

MOTION: The Ministry Relations Committee recommends to the Presbytery the exemption of all ordination exams for Joy Engelsman, pursuant Book of Order G-2.0505a(2).

8:40 pm Treasurer Report | Sue Pilcher

8:45 pm Pride Parade & Triennium Update | Bethany Peerbolte

8:55 pm Partnership of Zimbabwe & Denver Presbyteries (PZDP) Delegate Commissioning | Ruth Huff, Chris Wineman

Denver Presbytery Delegation February 2025 - Dee Cooper, Doug Friesema, Julia Henderson, Russ Kane. 

9:05 pm Benediction | Adjournment
Go To The World v4


The Omnibus Motion (Consent Agenda) is a process intended to speed action on routine or noncontroversial matters. Any item may be withdrawn from the omnibus motion upon request of any member of the assembly. Items remaining are adopted without discussion when the motion is approved. Items from committees or other reports will be recorded in the minutes as part of that committee or staff person’s report.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Presbytery votes to:

  1. Approve the Docket as distributed, with such changes as may be announced at the start of the Presbytery Gathering.

  2. Enroll the Corresponding Members that are introduced,and grant to them permission of the floor. The names and presbytery of membership of such persons must be written on the attendance roster or given to the Stated Clerk.

  3. Approve the minutes of the October 22, 2024 Assembly as posted on the Presbytery website, except for any changes in the attendance roll that may be required.

  4. Receive the reports contained in the Presbytery packet.

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. gretchen N. Sausville
Stated Clerk


Suggested Questions for Ordination Examination

● With the many changes we, as a society, are experiencing, how do you envision assisting

the Presbyterian Church (USA) to thrive in today’s culture and be a relevant and vibrant


● How do you see yourself serving as a colleague in ministry, serving with energy,

imagination, intelligence and love?

● How do you believe yourself to be called by God to the ministry of the Word and


● Can you provide an example of how some aspect of your life reflects an understanding and

a sincere affirmation of the essential tenets of being a Presbyterian?

● Please describe how you “walk humbly with God?”

● What theological issues demand your ongoing reflection or in your opinion what is the

foremost theological issue facing the church today?

● Give us your views on redemption.

● Give us your understanding of the Trinity. How does it affect your practice and ministry?

● Nurturing relationships within the church and outside are important. Self care is essential in

ministry, describe how you create self care.

● Are there any aspects of our church’s Constitution to which you wish to declare objections

of conscience?

● What issue within the PCUSA do you think is the most challenging?

● Explain how and when “God” became more than a word and theory for you?

● What does being “Reformed” mean to you?

● In your ordination vows you will affirm the Bible as “God’s word to you?” What does this

mean to you?

● How do you experience Baptism and/or The Lord’s Supper?

● A question on the polity and governance of the Presbyterian Church, which may be tied to

a particular pastoral situation.

● How does the Book of Order and the Book of Confession invite us into the fullness of ministry?


MRC did not meet in November.