223rd General Assembly - Highlights

The 223rd General Assembly (2018) will be held in St. Louis, Missouri -  June 16 - 23. Denver Presbytery was represented by Commissioners: Ruling Elder Georgia Comstock (South Park Community Church), Ruling Elder Cleve Dixon (St. Paul Presbyterian), Rev. Ruth McCollum Huff and Rev. Jason Whitehead.  Claire Wineman of Central Presbyterian church was our Young Adult Advocate Delegate. Rev. Carol Fisher served as an alternate.

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) meets biennially in even-numbered years. It consists of commissioners elected by each of its 173 presbyteries. The GA is full of activities: business sessions, committee meetings, an exhibit hall, daily worship services, and mission tours sponsored by the  Committee on Local Arrangements. 

The assembly acts on hundreds of items of business, which it receives through the reports and recommendations of various assembly entities, and through overtures from synods and presbyteries.