Shared Funding Ministry Now Accepting Grants Applications!

Your church is eligible to apply for a Shared Funding Ministry grant in September.

The Shared Ministry Funding grant program was started in 2021 to help Presbytery churches move forward and fund projects and initiatives important to the future of their church. The funds for SFM grants are provided using a portion of the proceeds received from the sale of closed churches. The SFM Workgroup can approve and fund grants up to $75,000. Larger grants require Council approval. The program was designed to evaluate and approve grants at specific times during the year. The next grant application time period begins September 1, 2022 and grant applications are due no later than October 7, 2022 for early 2023 funding. Approximately $191,000 total in grant funds remain available at this time. Some other important facts about the program:

  • The word “Shared” in the program name means that the church applying for a grant is expected to share in the cost of project using their own funds or funds obtained elsewhere.

  • A church obtaining a SFM grant cannot apply for another SFM grant for 3 years.

  • Examples of eligible expenses include:

    • Minor facility improvements

    • Technology and A/V equipment for enhancing or streaming worship

    • Temporary or partial funding for new or transformed staff reporting to pastor

    • Expenses related to safety, accessibility, and ADA compliance

    • Energy efficiency expenses

    • Start-up funds for innovative new programs or ministries

    • Funds to supplement or put the finishing touches on a major project

    • Funds for retaining a consultant to help the church plan for the future

    • Be creative and ask if you have a need not described above

  • Certain type of expenses are not eligible for grant funding, such as:

    • Emergency expenses

    • Current operating expenses

    • Expenses otherwise funded by the Presbytery (e.g. Mission Partnerships)

    • Facilities/buildings major renovations and construction (PILP available for these)

    • Pastor salaries

Seventeen of your fellow Presbytery churches have already benefitted from this grant program. Get additional information and the grant application by emailing or by visiting the Presbytery website,