What are Equity Primes?

Introduced at General Assembly in 2022 and at the January Assembly, Equity Primes were designed to help committees prioritize PC (USA) values of inclusion and equity in a shared space even as they use digital tools to cast votes and access trainings and other information. Read more→

Here are some resources for you to introduce this to your faith communities and committees.  

Powerpoint Slides
from January Assembly Engagement with Jihyn Oh, Director of Mid Council Ministries, PC(USA) Office of General Assembly.
Race Forward
Toolkit for creating cultures and practices for racial equity. 

Group/Committee Equity Prime | Questions Before Discussion/Decisions

  • Why are we trying to make the decision now?

  • Do we have enough information to make an equitable/inclusive decision?

  • Have we heard directly from those who will be most impacted?

  • Have we thought through the impact to the whole church?

  • What additional voices/information do we need to make an equitable/inclusive decision?

  • What information would lead to more equity?

  • Have we honored what’s on our cards to honor each others’ rights and check our own use of power?

  • Is this decision being made with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love?