Clobber Text with Rev. Bethany

As a way to expand our awareness of LGBTQIA+ experiences and how they intersect with Christianity, we are offering a series of videos from our own incubator new worshiping community leader Rev. Bethany. These videos will address two of the “clobber passages” which were named that because they are the verses commonly used to condemn homosexuality. The video series will also present scripture that affirms the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as translation history that helps map out how Christianity got wrapped up in cultural heterosexism.


Check out this 1st video in our clobber text series with Rev. Bethany Peerbolte, Minister Member, Incubator Leader, Tik Tok Pastor and Leader of New Worshiping Community--Our Tapestry, as she shares "What Leviticus 18 actually says."